Saturday, September 3, 2016

Open squatters in EU

Watch Russia TV for 30 mins and fall in love with India! 

I have been bitten by the latest news-bug doing the rounds in Europe: IMMIGRATION. Well, it seems like commonwealth is being paid back. Instigating hatred is not the intent here, but Europe would do well to take a leaf out of India's (yes,the Third World-Impoverished-Intolerant-snake-charmer-infested and oft-quoted, racist India) history to learn the after-effects of letting guests become permanent residents. 

Temporary asylum is one thing, helping people tiding over a certain crisis is also OK to some extent, but dear EU, opening your arms (and subsequently, legs) to all kinds of people "unabashed" is certainly another. 40 years hence, is Angela now your Indira? Dear EU, you are the most beautiful part of the world (or so say some of my friends who just hate to return (Oops!)). It certainly looks ODD when GUESTS start defecating out in the open in your heavenly scenic outdoors. After all, open defecation is endemic to India; it is a third-world thing, eh?

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